Hi mama, welcome to my little corner of internet. My name is Tiarne Carney, a Tweed Heads birth photographer and lover of all thing’s motherhood, baby’s and birth. Whilst birth photography will always remain my passion, I relish in walking the whole journey to family: from capturing the sweet milestones sprinkled throughout a pregnancy to the deliciously tender moments you will spend with your newest edition.
I live happily nestled in the Tweed Heads area, with my two beautiful children Jaego and Zylah, and my wonderful husband Shaun. As many fellow birth photographers will echo, it was the birth of my first baby that reignited a desire to create and capture. I don’t know whether it’s the stark reality of those sweet, tender seconds that seem to slip by so quickly, or the oh-so-human inability to freeze time that pushed me to want to document everything.
To put it simply, I was underprepared going into my first birth. I truly believed the less I knew and the more relaxed I was about my ‘plan’, the better things would pan out. I wanted to go with the flow. I wanted to be relaxed about whatever labour threw at me. In hindsight, a lack of education and support likely led to my emergency caesarean section and left me mourning an experience I so desperately felt like I didn’t own. In my heart of hearts, I knew Shaun had gone above and beyond to be there for me throughout that labour and birth, however I also felt there was such a gap between where I was when the contractions first started, to where I should have been… In terms of both education and emotional support.
Fast forwarding to my birth with Zylah, I was the epitome of educated and empowered. I did hours of groundwork, asked the hard questions and ultimately felt ready to take control of my birthing experience: physically, mentally and spiritually. Although I did not get my VBAC, the emergency c-section which bought Zylah into the world, wholeheartedly saved her life. I felt at peace that this was how she chose to be born; the measures felt necessary and warranted, given how my labour had progressed. Even though she was born abdominally, the journey to meeting her felt like a kind acknowledgement to myself and all the ground work I did.
To be honest, neither of my births ‘went to plan’, and it has taken me a lot of time and sincere reflection to fully accept how each labour unfolded. It has given me a deep appreciation for how we, as women, surrender ourselves to the intricacies of labour, with no real ascendance. We feel each and every contraction crash over us, a unanimous desire to bring our babies safely earthside. Capturing this unwavering sacrifice is critical in my journey as a birth photographer.
I endeavour to capture it all. Every. Last. Detail.
The searing determination to overcome each surge; bellowing, screaming, crying, whisper-quiet or otherwise.
The deafening silence between contractions that threatens to swallow the whole room.
The tender outreach of an anxious partner who grapples between marvelling and caving at the infinite power that is woman.
The trepid unknown that stretches before you, blurry and hazy. You will never live in the moment, quite like the moments of labour.
The tender unfurling of a new mother as your baby enters the world and you realise time can in fact, stand still.
I capture it all. I capture a heart that bursts at the seams with an incomprehensible love, an unfathomable exhaustion, a palpable relief. Feelings and emotions that go beyond words. I capture them.
And I do it for you, dear mama, because we would not be mothers without our birth stories. These brief, amorous moments that transform us from merely women who exist, to mothers who raise and indefinitely love a part of themselves, in the form of our children.
These moments happen once and fleet us in the blink of an eye, yet birth photography gives us the opportunity to relive them again and again. Transformative and healing, having a visual story to reflect on how we birthed our babies goes beyond just having “photos”. They are your motherhood blueprint where no replica exists, entirely personal and completely irreplaceable.
I have had many mothers voice that having a birth photographer helped them to heal, to come to terms with a birth that, likened to my own two, did not go to plan. Rather than feeling a disheartening confusion and relying on recounts of the hospital or support people around them, they had tangible images which helped to piece together a puzzle that would otherwise remain incomplete.
But trust me sweet mama, I do not take my ‘job’ for granted. I am a gratuitous guest who has been entrusted to walk into your sacred space and I treat your labour and birth like nothing short of magic. My ethos is simple, to support and to respectfully capture: the rest is in your hands. For as long as I have the honour to step into the space of a birthing woman, I will call myself blessed. From our first meeting to the delivery of your final gallery, my services are mother-led, unobtrusive and respectful to yourself and the loved ones around you.
If you too are ready to capture the side of your birth story you will never otherwise get to see, I can’t wait to hear from you.
All my love,
Tiarne xx

This piece was written by Ayla Manicaros - copywriter and brand strategist https://www.virtuallyoncopywriting.com/