HypnoBirthing with Tiarne Carney
HypnoBirthing is a technique for achieving a positive, calm and stress-free birth. When you are properly prepared for childbirth and when the mind and body are in harmony, nature is free to function in the same well-designed manner that it does with all mothers in nature.

You and your birth partner will gain the confidence to advocate for your birth choices, choose and work collaboratively with a care-provider and team that you completely trust, feel supported by and know will ensure that your birth isn’t intervened with unnecessarily or without your consent.
Through self-hypnosis, special breathing, visualisation techniques, and so much more, the comprehensive HypnoBirthing International program gives you everything you need to feel prepared and confident for birth and parenting as well as have you feeling supported (as you should) during this most important and transformative experience of your life!
Stages of labour
Relaxation / Self Hypnosis
Nutrition for Pregnancy & Birth
Support techniques for Dad / Partner
Know your body & the birth process
Natural techniques to initiate labour
Acupressure & rebozo skills
The 4th Trimester & Breastfeeding
Breathing Techniques
Visualisation Techniques
Special circumstances & medical intervention
Massage for reducing or eliminating pain
Working with the hormones of birth
Positions & movement for labour & birth
Pre & Perinatal bonding
Advocating for your birth choices
What we will learn!

Tiarne offers group, online and private HypnoBirthing classes and cannot wait to share her knowledge and passion with you as you prepare to welcome your baby/babies